Bitumen Bill: Agbabu Is In Odigbo Local Government – Jimoh Ibrahim

Senator representing Ondo South at the Senate, Senator (Dr.) Jimoh Ibrahim, CFR has denied misplacing Agbabu as community in Irele Local Government Area, but rather the community is located in Odigbo Local Government Area of Ondo State.

He stated this on Sunday while reacting on misplacement of the community by some media while reporting the bill he presented at Senate for creation of Bitumen Development Commission by the Federal Government.

In his presentation on the floor of the Senate, he had sought the legislation to make Bitumen as alternative revenue generating product in the country.

The Bitumen deposit in Nigeria is the second largest deposit in the world after Canada.

The billionaire business mogul in the bill requested that the proposed Bitumen Development Commission should be sited in any of the three towns with high deposit of Bitumen in Ondo State which are Agbabu in Odigbo Local Government, Ode-Irele in Irele Local Government Area and Igbotako in Okitipupa Local Government Area all in Ondo State Southern Senatorial District.

If the bill see the light of day, socio-economic development of the senatorial district would experience a turn around.

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